Well, might as well start off with the fact that I got almost nothing done on organzing the house. I did finish getting the kitchen re-organized, but none of my plans for the pantry have been accomplished. This week will be a drastic difference.
Thursday evening my Hubby and I went to our daughter's Kindergarten parent teacher night to learn about her Kindergarten experience and meet her teacher. She has the only male Kindergarten teacher, and that kinda worried us because she shies away from adult men. He is absolutely wonderful though. I love that her school is smaller than most in our area and there are only 15 children in her class. We learned so much that night I went home with a headache :-)
The next afternoon our daughter, my Maman, and I went back to the school so she could meet her teacher and her classmates before their first day. She had NO problem with her teacher, talking to him easily and interacting with him as if she always knew him. Total load off my mind. She also made a little friend, named Luz. They were preparing for a tea party in the Kitchen Play Area. She sits next the my daughter as well, so she will have a little friend already when she starts Monday.
Today we spent going to our daughter's Lowe's Build and Grow workshop, then back home for a while (just chillaxing), then went out for dinner. We walked around the area since we'd never had the time to do so and I stumbled upon a hidden treasure; a non-profit used book store called Friends of the Library. I ended up buying a Freezer Cookbook, a world ethnic cuisine cookbook, a cooking with Kindergartener's cookbook, and Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder...for $6! I might just have to donate the books I want to get rid of the them! We started reading Little House tonight before bed and she absolutely loved it. She even thanked me for buying it. She has never thanked me like that before. It brings back memories of my Mommy reading the same books -- the series -- to my brother and I by the oil lamp when the lights would go out. Since we lived in the country at the time, this was a common occurance, so I have many warm-and-fuzzy memories of these books, not to mention the TV series.
I will definitely be frequenting that place. There is even a "New Age" section (a.k.a Pagan section), which is one of the reasons I wanted to check it out, just to see if they had one :-) Even if they didn't, the smell alone in there was worth the time. I wish there was an air freshener called "Old Book Smell". I'd buy stock in the company! There weren't really any interesting Pagan books, but there were enough in the section to warrant a frequent trip to check their stock. My head almost swam at the number of cook books, but they did not have any on dehydrating food, which I was really looking for. I am getting a food dehydrator (early birthday present) as soon as I can remember to order the damned thing. Probably right after I post this.
Speaking of early presents (well typing actually) I got my early Christmas present today...a Kindle Fire!!! My Hubby found one at Toys-R-Us for $150 instead of $200 so my Mommy got it for me early. THANK YOU, MOMMY! This will really come in handy now that my daughter is going to be at school and I can find time to actually read!
It is still a little surreal that starting Monday my baby-girl will be in school! No more jetting off somewhere for a day or two whenever we want to take her somewhere, we now have school to contend with! LOL Tomorrow I will finish going through her school clothes to make sure, again, that she has everything she needs and get her backpack and lunch box labeled with her name. I also need to make the "K" for her to have her picture taken with for her first day of school scrapbook page.
Another development this week is my choice of a major when I go back to school, hopefully in January. IF I am accepted to University of Maryland then I will be going for a Bachelor's in Persian Studies. It was a choice between Persian Studies or British Studies concentrating in Anglo-Saxon history. I have more to offer with Persian Studies since I will be a born and bred American working in the field as opposed to an Iranian or other ethnicity. Maybe as an American I can get other Americans to listen and realize that the Iranian people are not the enemy. Maybe one day our countries will be friends once more. And maybe, just maybe, I can have a hand in that outcome, even if it is a small part.
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