Today I canned made 3 quarts and 1 pint of vegetable stock for
free! Yes, I said
FREE! When I made the Chow-Chow and Garden Soup last week, I saved the onion ends, cabbage cores, bell pepper tops and seeds, and potato peels. I put them into gallon ziplock bags and when I had two full bags I made veggie stock. I added the vegetables to a large stock pan and covered them in a lot of water, I mean ALOT. Then I let it simmer for about 10 hours, maybe 12 (I didn't really count). I didn't salt it because I don't like a lot of salt. When it tasted right, I ladeled it into sterilized jars and canned them in the pressure canner for 80 minutes at 10 pounds of pressure.
I also beboned the chicken I roasted Saturday and plan to make Chicken Enchiladas tomorrow out of it. I took the bones, de-fatted broth saved from the roaster, and a 2 pounds of chicken necks I bought for $1.21 and added it to a stock pot filled with water. I let this simmer for about 6 hours. I did salt this stock because it needed the flavor to balance out. I will can this tomorrow. It wasn't free like the vegie stock, but damn near.
So, the plan for this week is:
- Can chicken stock
- Can peaches with honey syrup
- Make Chicken Enchilladas for the freezer
- Freeze Bell Peppers
- Make Salsa
- Can Salsa
- Make Dishwasher Detergent
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