Today I took a leap into making my own laundry detergent. I have been wanting to do this for a while and finally went for it. The original recipe called for Fels Naptha soap, which, of course, I could not find. I bought Zote soap instead and an glad I did because it has a gently lemon scent. I grated the soap and added it to the water in a saucepan, melted it and then added the Borax and Washing Soda. Then added it to the 5 gallon bucket and poured in the rest of the water...only I didn't calculate correctly and didn't add enough water. Four hours later I have a solid crust over watery soap. Ugh! I added the REST of the water and stirred it well. I can only hope it works out overnight like it is supposed to. Supposedly it is a fool proof recipe...well, in this case they created a better fool (ME).
The only way I can understand my miscalculation is being tired as hell. My daughter woke me up at 5:30am having to go potty. By the time she was finished I was wide awake. So I had been up almost 12 hours by the time I started making the detergent. Plus, I have spent the last week preparing the house for my Mom's two week visit, which starts tomorrow. I am sooo excited!!! We're planning to clear the back yard of the small saplings that have sprung up in the last year or two, painting the porches, the wrought iron around the outside of the house, and create a craft room sanctuary for me. There are a few other little painting projects as well. We are kinda over-achievers.
I will post progress as it happens, with pictures if I can remember to take them. And if the recipe for detergent pans out, I will post that as well in the coming days.
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